Idaho Department of Transportation Notice

As you may be aware, there was a new insurance law passed in the Idaho legislature this past session. That law states that drivers are now required to provide proof of insurance to the Department of Transportation or face revocation of their vehicle registration. That verification process is handled by your insurance company and should be an automated process. However as with all new systems, there have been some issues with the implementation.

If you are a Mutual of Enumclaw customer and have received a letter from the DOT stating they have been unable to verify your insurance, please read on. Mutual of Enumclaw has designed a verification system for the new law that will begin reporting insurance information on December 12th of 2019. The deadline for reporting is January 1st 2020 and there is a 3 month grace period to have that verification in to the DOT. With Mutual of Enumclaw beginning their reporting on December 12th, there should not be any further issue for Mutual of Enumclaw customers.

If you have received a letter from the DOT regarding reporting of insurance on a vehicle insured by Mutual of Enumclaw, you may disregard this first letter as the requirement will be met beginning on December 12th. If you receive a second letter after the Jan 1, 2020 start date then it is possible we have incorrect vehicle information and may need to make adjustments, please contact us to take care of that. Otherwise you may disregard this first letter.

We apologize for the confusion and thank you for your patience as we comply with this new law.


Bicycle insurance at a reasonable price.

Bicycle insurance at a reasonable price.

When most people think of a bicycle it takes them back to their childhood when they happily pedaled along on their shiny new Schwinn or a hand-me-down Huffy. Bicycles are the first real form of freedom for a kid and at least in my day was a most prized possession. But in the last 10-20 years a new breed of cyclist has emerged, often referred to as a MAMIL or Middle Aged Man in Lycra, adults both male and female are increasingly getting involved in road...